Happy Forever

Last weekend we were inspired by the cutest 6 year old girl who was at the store. Her aunt was trying on wedding gowns, while she quietly played with her doll.   Out of nowhere, we overheard her daydream about her future wedding: a white dress, an “eternally long” veil, and lots and lots of pink flowers.   We casually eavesdropped.  Her vivid daydream was the sweetest. When we asked who she was going to marry, she answered “I don’t know but we will be very happy, happy, happy.”  Then she paused, took a breath, and finalized her statement by saying “We will be happy because we will be together, forever” It was very simple yet profound.  This cute 6 year old managed to verbalize in a simple statement what the quest for the perfect partner is all about.  At the end of the day, isn't it about finding that one person that simply makes us Happy and hopefully, will last Forever?  So simple, so perfect!

What are you looking for when finding love?  Tell us what you think, we always love to hear! In the meantime, here are some fun links from around the web that also inspired us this week and thought you would enjoy!


Wedding Wine and Liquor Calculator

Dreamy Modern Pastels!

100 Spring Wedding Ideas!

Lovely Lily Pulitzer

Mad Men Premiered, how about a Mad Men inspired wedding?


Image source:  Baby Version Rock